Friday, December 30, 2011

Boxing Day walk in Yarrow

My parents live in a small town squished between Vedder Mountain and the Vedder River, called Yarrow.  It's where I spent my late teen years, after having grown up mostly a Winnipeg city kid.  The move from the city to the country was a big adjustment for me, considering I was used to hopping on a bus to meet my friends downtown to go shopping and see movies.  In Yarrow, the thing to do was to go for a hike up the mountain.  Somehow this mountain became dear to me and holds many memories of hikes and long talks with friends, including being the place where Dean popped the question, many years ago. 


Mel said...

wow, i am amazed how beautiful it is! thanks for posting all these pictures of where you live... it's one place i want to go for sure!

a happy 2012 to you!

Sensuous2Spiritual said...

Happy New Year and what a breath-taking view! Your post has set up the mood for the year... :) Love your blog.