Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Farmer's Market

The town of Vernon has a great Farmer's Market. Besides the amazing selection of locally grown organic veggies and fruit, they also have bakers, a fresh juice stand, kettle corn, samosa's and much more.  I've never tasted such an amazing fresh mint, almond and chocolate chip 'cookie' (pretty dense to be a cookie), and the swirled poppyseed bread we bought was delicious.  The home-grown and country feel to the market is really charming from the old timer busking to the organ playing puppeteer!?! - yes he's playing organ and his petal moves the puppets at the same time.

Of course, I should be getting myself to the Farmers Market's in Vancouver more often.  Although they have really limited and highly curated vendors and it has a real 'hipster' vibe that isn't quite as down to earth as a smaller town farmer's market, I'm sure it's just as good. 

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